Each year, thousands of families and individuals in need receive help from the 100 Neediest Cases program. The cases come as referrals from more than 50 local nonprofits, and we make an effort to assist every case in some way.
“If our family didn’t receive help from 100 Neediest Cases, we would have to choose between paying utilities or putting presents under the tree. Thank you so much. You saved our Christmas!”
With your help and big heart, we can make the holiday season a joyous one for thousands of people in the St. Louis region. You can feel confident that your gift is making a difference because every dollar raised for the 100 Neediest Cases program goes to help people. All administrative and fundraising costs are absorbed by United Way of Greater St. Louis, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and more than 50 area social service agencies.
If you prefer to mail a check, please make the check out to ‘100 Neediest Cases’ and send to:
100 Neediest Cases
P.O. Box 955925
St. Louis, MO 63195